Karate Classes/Clubs for Adults and Children in Basildon, Billericay, Brentwood, Rayleigh and Wickford, Essex
Uechi-Ryu Karate
Shi Gakko Shudan (Four School Group)
Est 1986

Merit Badges

Merit Badge Expert, Reggie Went

In addition to gradings, merit badges may be achieved by completing certain tasks.

The numbers of the badges are not sequential. They are the manufacturers numbers and have been taken from a larger list, some of which are for Judo etc.

Badges should be sewn on the upper sleave of the Karate suit, starting with the left sleeve first. They should be placed in rows of three starting at the top of the sleeve, with no more than 18 badges sewn onto the left sleeve, and no more than 17 badges on the right.

The instructor will keep a record of badges passed by students, however you may wish to download the following chart in order to keep your own record of progress.

Reggie's sleeves are covered with badges

Badge Number Description - English Desription - Japanese
1 Upward or Head Block Jodan-Age-Uke
2 Circular block Wa-Uke
3 Lower Body Block Gedan-Barai
4 Knifehand Block Shuto-Uke
5 Inside or Outside Body Block Uchi-Ude-Uke or Soto-Ude-Uke
6 Reverse Punch Gyaku-Zuki
7 Front Hand Punch or Jab Kizami-Zuki
8 Step and Punch or Lunge Punch Oi-Zuki
9 Backfist Strike Uraken
10 Front Kick Mae-Geri
11 Roundhouse Kick Mawashi-Geri
12 Side Kick Sokuto-Geri or Yoko-Geri
13 Back Kick Ushiro-Geri
14 Hook Kick, Back Round Kick or Spinning Kick
15 Jumping or Flying Kick
16 Front Forward Stance Zenkutsu-Dachi
19 Horse Stance Shiko-Dachi
21 Cat Stance Neko-Dachi
22 Cross Block
25 Leg Stretching or Splits (box or scissors)
26 High Kicking (any kick)
28 Japanese Counting 1-10
29 Japanese Knowledge (naming kicks, blocks and punches)
31 Belt Correctly Tied or Dojo Etiquette
32 Self-Defence
33 Attending A Uechi-Ryu Course/Seminar or Another Class
34 Sparring
41 Ground Defence
52 Take Down or Throw
62 Body Conditioning
66 Junior Instructor
67 Taking Part in a Uechi-Ryu Display or Demonstration or Displaying Kata, Bankai or Pre-Arranged Kumite in Class
68 Bring A Friend (friend must attend a minimum of 4 lessons before badge is awarded)
97 Push Ups
98 Sit Ups